Im YoonA Very Beautifull and Very Top Singer of Girl's Generation
On May 30th, 2011, was a special time pro Sones since it was our beloved Im YoonA‘s birthday! Equally a handle, we wanted to trend her first name on twitter by 12am KST, but Beliebers trounced us. But since we didn’t produce up, we were able to trend IMYOONA and Sones in the morning! *cheers* Time flies and our beloved following maknae and favorite alligator is currently rotary 22. Wishing her all the preeminent, could she stay the strongest in SNSD so she may possibly involve the boxes and commence store jars pro her unnies, keep up her alligator laugh so she may possibly stuff all the food she wants in her backtalk and be the following shikshin, keep her doe eyes so she may possibly imitate the innocence